Welcome to Finca Sagrada, the place where the Stars Seed the Earth

Upcoming Events

An excursion to the Amazon

November 9 to 16, 2024

This is a call to people who want to support an Amazonian people who are really doing a great work for Conservation. And learn about their deep connection with Mother Earth. Organized by Riki, one of our Community members.

Natural Health Kit Training

November 30 - December 1, 2024

A weekend intensive designed to equip attendees with the basic knowledge to treat most diseases and conditions using only the healing power of plants. With Dr. Karim Raad (Colombia).

Finca Sagrada (Sacred Land Farm) is a biodynamic farm community nestled in a secluded small valley close to Vilcabamba in the mountains of Southern Ecuador.  

The property is diversified with approximately twenty acres of irrigated pastures, food forest and gardens, plus an additional eight hundred acres of mountain land, bounded by a river and stream

Walter and Susan Davis Moora moved from the States to Ecuador in 2007. Walter has been a Biodynamic Farmer for 50+ years, and Susan has been a leader in the social investment industry, often called the godmother of social investing.

Finca Sagrada is in the process of consolidating as an Intentional Community and a Center for Integrative Thought.

This sacred space leads visitors to easily connect to self, community and the planet. It is a place where heaven and earth meet.

Biodynamic & 
Traditional Agriculture

At Finca Sagrada, we grow our fruits and vegetables following several methods including Biodynamic Farming, Permaculture, Agroecology and  Indigenous practices.


The continued deep listening to life and the stars, guides the exploration and discovery of sufficiency in personal and community practices. Our source is the connection to Mother Earth beginning with the 4 elements  - water, fire, earth and air.

A commitment to the conservation  of seeds is nourished through planting, growing and harvesting of food and fruit forests.

The seeds of human, plant and spirit generosity elevate the vibration even more  offering an abundance of nourishment, wisdom and guidance while invoking a circle of every evolving and expanding gratitude, happiness and love. 


Native foods such as yucca, white carrots, sweet potatoes and a wide range of temperate vegetables like tomatoes, lettuce, beets, carrots and cabbage grow well. Coffee, quinoa, chia seeds, flax seeds, tumeric and peanuts also thrive.  

Some of the  fruit forest offerings include avocados, papayas, bananas, passion fruit, tangerines, oranges and lemons and soapberries. 

The generous offer of milk from  happy cows makes cheese and butter as well as raising chickens for eggs and meat. The farm's eight beehives, gift us with the most delicious honey ever.

Innovation in Finca Sagrada

 We are constantly implementing sufficiency concepts and applications, farming, building techniques and food growing among others. The community house of the farm has solar power, and we plan to have a hydropower for the new houses. We are open to innovation and revolutionary low-tech technologies that contribute to a sustainable and thriving life.

Our Mission Statement

Finca Sagrada exemplifies a farm-based, multicultural learning center where people can reconnect to self, community and nature through heartfelt thinking.


As keepers of sacred lands, we are in service to Mother Earth  living in reciprocity with her bounty. We are a community that honors the sacredness of the land and supports the diversity of its members, allowing us to experience and practice a flow of generosity, and to find our true roles as co-creators of life on Earth.

Intentional community

We are a thriving community that is multicultural and multi-generational.. We welcome farmers, healers, scientists, innovators, digital nomads, retirees, children and just anybody who is connected with their heart and who feel drawn to our mission statement and our vision.

At this point there are 10 permanent residents and 9 community partners. The community welcomes  new members, visitors and collaborators. The vibe of the community is Unity Consciousness of Love. 

Casa Latina, our continental umbrella

Casa Latina stands for "Consejo de Asentamientos sostenibles de America Latina" (Council of Sustainable settlements in Latin America), and is the association of all ecovillages in Spanish-speaking America and Brazil. Finca Sagrada is a proud member of Casa Latina!

The House of Original Thought

Finca Sagrada has been designated sacred land. It is considered a portal to higher realms and consecrated by Kogi Mamos (sacred priests), the indigenous shamans from Colombia's Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. They have performed rituals and authorized the building of a structure known as the "House of Original Thought". In 2021 the Kogi created a portal close by, bringing the Stars, Universe and Earth together to dance, guide and instruct us.  This could also be imagined as one of many vortexes emerging where the Eagle and the Condor unite and fly as One ( Pachakamaq and Pachamama) . This magical place enhances visitors' connection to the sacred in nature and in themselves. 

The House of Original Thought, also referred to as the Spirit House and the center of Finca Sagrada is a ceremonial space where we honor the Spirit of Life.


Part of our mission is to be guided by Spirit to inform how changes generated, impact the world and our community. These are the projects that are either managed or supported by members of Finca Sagrada.

Kinship Earth

The lifetime project of Susan, Kinship Earth gathers dozens of amazing individuals who have been part of Susan's Kins Network program. www.Kinshipearth.com

Regional Watershed

Walter is one of the leaders of a movement to create an independent bioregion in the Vilcabamba valley, with good farming practices and a regional currency.

Tumianuma Gardens

The intention is to empower women in our neighboring community by offering training to create food gardens and to make secondary products that raise confidence for self sufficiency and improve standard of living.

of Condorjuana Mountain

Condorjuana is the name of FInca Sagrada's mountain, located right next to its flatland. It was acquired by Walter after it was completely degraded and its soil eroded. Swiss activist Kai decided to reforest it and thanks to his efforts,  Condorjuana has already planted thousands of young trees in its lower slope. This initiative creates jobs for young people in Tumianuma while they also learn to fall in love with Nature. https://arbol-conrazon.ch

Agua Sagrada -Stewards of Water

Agua Sagrada is an Environmental / Social project that seeks to protect water using peak technology, in close cooperation with ancestral communities.
Agua Sagrada is managed by Finca Sagrada's resident Riki and was conceived with the support of Susan and Walter.
What makes Agua Sagrada a unique project is that it involves the locals, and deeply transforms them into real Stewards of Water. www.AguaSagrada.ec

Center of Integrative Thought

Based on a tradition of encounters with indigenous elders and friends of the Earth, Finca Sagrada as a community has decided to take this mission to a new level.

Finca Sagrada's purpose is to serve the Awakening of Consciousness on the planet by hosting workshops, courses and symposia. Thought innovators educate and guide fellow humans, who are committed to a path of embodied leadership mastery. Participants experience the spirit of Finca Sagrada to align with a new paradigm of life, and live into their fullest potential as divine, inter dimensional beings. 

We aim to inspire anyone who visits the farm to a lifestyle connected to their heart and the heart of the Earth. The history of Finca Sagrada as an ancient ceremonial space makes this the perfect place for the reconnection of Science and Spirit, the encounter between the Eagle and the Condor.

Visits and Farm Experiences

Do you want to visit Finca Sagrada? You are welcome to do so, and experience first hand a different way of living and being, in full harmony with Nature and with the Spiritual forces of the Universe. 

Click link to see the options you can choose from.

Apprenticeship Program

Agriculture students are able to put their knowledge into practice on a farm that combines Biodynamics and traditional farming practices. Our Apprenticeship program is an invitation to individuals who want to dive deep into the subtle forces that come into play, as well as exploring daily farm practices.

Divine Feminine is like Water. Soft enough to bloom the flowers. Strong enough to break the mountains.

- Kogi Traditional Saying

Testimonials about
Finca Sagrada


"I am leaving to keep on walking my path fortified by a set of new applied farming knowledge, creating a stronger sense of my own Self as a being of light toward an unique and marvelous life path."


There is something very magical in this Finca. There is a spirit house, a perfect place to meditate, sing mantras or just watch the fire. Prepare yourself because you'll want to stay longer than planned."

What is stewarding a sacred space like?

At Finca Sagrada we hold our hearts in our hands as the children's laughter, dances amongst the flowers, swims in the rivers and our whole bodies breathe in and give back in alignment with Spirit. 

Eating at Finca Sagrada

Finca Sagrada exemplifies the "Farm to Table"principle. All food is either picked fresh daily at the farm or sourced locally. Everybody is  satiated with the love infused offerings filled with aliveness and color. This abundance nourishes our body and soul to be strong and tender stewards of the earth. 


Still haven't found what you are longing for?
Curious and open to an experience? 

Write Riki 

FInca Sagrada, the place where the Stars Seed the Earth.