A Biodynamic farming and gardening workshop
Standing between Heaven and Earth
June 23 - 29, 2025 - November 3 - 9, 2025
In this 6-day workshop we will study and practice biodynamic principles. We will learn how we can improve the fertility of the soil on a practical level and also work with the spiritual formative forces of the universe, through ceremony and the use of the biodynamic preparations. Truly living and working between Heaven and Earth.
Experience how our small community works together to honor mother earth and our unseen helpers, the elemental and nature beings.
Walter Moora (US), Biodynamic Farmer for 50+years, Robert Colossimo (Australia), Eurithmia teacher, Nick Thompson (Canada), experienced farmer.
6-day course
This is a week-long deep immersion experience with plenty of practical work and advanced teachings.
Afternoon lectures
Going deep into the concepts that underly the BIodynamic Practice, according to Rudolph Steiner.
Finca Sagrada farm community is situated in the beautiful mountains of southern Ecuador. In this workshop, you will see how a small community can steward and honor the earth and that your connection to self, community and the earth will have deepened.
We start the day at sunrise, gathering around our sacred fire in the spirit house with an Agni hotra ceremony. After breakfast, with the help of Eurythmy we will experience the movement of the stars and planets and how they form our physical world. Then we go into the gardens and learn how we put into practice Biodynamic theory.

A 6-day experience in Vilcabamba, Ecuador's Valley of Longevity
Vilcabamba is one of those places in the world where pure nature blends with a conscious community. This is a place of longevity, thanks to its unique weather and the quality of its water.
The afternoons and evenings are dedicated to lectures. However there will be time to relax, talk to the other participants, enjoy nature or even go swimming in the beautiful river.
You'll learn about the biodynamic preparations that open the soil to the spiritual formative forces of the stars and planets. You will be working with the planting calendar, based on the moon moving through the constellations of the zodiac and working with the elemental and nature spirits of the landscape.
Who is this Workshop for?
- Agriculture experts who want to know the science of Sustainable Farming.
- Students who want to complement their academic preparation.
- Amateur farmers who want to dive deep into their passion.
- Community Leaders who want to learn useful survival techniques.
- Curious souls of all ages who want to have a lifetime experience.

This course is for you if...
...you have always thought that it's possible to live in a better World, in harmony with nature and in high integrity, aligned with the divine forces in your center.
What people say...
Testimonials about Finca Sagrada
Thank you Finca Sagrada for all your spiritual warmth and big hospitality. Thanks to all the spiritual beings who, from the invisible made visible changes in our way of appreciating life and the sacred healing art of Agriculture.
- Mónica Vivas, 2024
On Finca Sagrada you will be able to learn a lot about biodynamics and spirituality. Daily differing tasks as well as general chores like animal care, milking the cows, watering gardens and cooking make work seem more like community contributions.
We enjoyed the best home-cooked foods and a mix of lovely and open people.
- Christian, 2019
I deeply appreciate the existence of this place in the world of ever growing wisdom, faith, love and food. I deeply appreciate the opportunity that Universe gave me to stumble into it. All the knowledge about biodynamic farming mixed with local tribal ancient Ecuadorian methods that I received from this Sacred Place are priceless.
In general, every single little thing that I received here knows no comparison in terms of generosity and purity of hearts.
- Ivanna, 2019

There is something very magical in this Finca. There is a spirit house, a perfect place to meditate, sing mantras or just watch the fire. If you like remote places, spirituality, nature, animals and good-pure-organic food, this is definitely your place. You have an opportunity to learn about permaculture, milk cows, make cheese and yogurt, take care of goats and chickens.
- Hannah, 2019
This was a beautiful cultural exchange in a beautiful place with even more beautiful people. I admire both Susan and Walter immensely and find their life projects sorely needed, inspirational, and within the parameters of my idea of what a workaway should be: cultural exchange, reciprocity, consciousness, community, and also a kind of educational experience too for those looking to learn about farming for instance. Thank you once again, a warm embrace to the coolest and kindest couple, guardians, and rare humans whom we care deeply for.
- Jorge + Stephanie, 2'019
There was some digging, weeding, fixing the water system, taking care of the animals, watering the plants and so on. Furthermore, we were so pleased to enjoy meals and sing all together around the table. During our free time we experimented in the kitchen, read, laughed with the dogs, listened to Walter's lessons on biodynamics, refreshed ourselves in the river, played Phase 10 and had time to reflect about our lives.
- Vladimir+Stelphanie, 2019

A really real farm with all the fruit trees, vegetables, herbs, plants, cows, chickens, geese, donkeys, goats, dog (Goldie was the perfect dog) and cats, mountains, river and stream, fire and fireflies. I ate really really good everyday. I can't describe the happiness of collecting vegetables and cooking them for lunch or starting day by drinking fresh milk. I loved there.
- Mahsul, 2019

Activity Schedule
Arrive after lunch.
4.00 Gather and Introduce ourselves.
5.00 Dinner
7.00 Talk by Robert Colosimo: "Welcome and Working with the Stars."
5.55 Agni Hotra sunrise ceremony in the Spirit house (optional)
8.00 Breakfast
8.45 Welcome to Finca Sagrada. What we hope to accomplish
9.45 Walk around Finca Sagrada and a grounding ceremony
12.00 Lunch
2.30 Lecture by Walter Moora. "Introduction to Biodynamic farming."
5.00 Dinner
7.00 Talk TBA
5.55 Agni hotra (optional)
8.00 Breakfast
8.45 Choreocosmos dance
10.00 Quick break
10.30 Time in the gardens with Nick -Preparing a garden bed and planting.
12.00 Lunch
2.30 Lecture by Walter Moora: "The biodynamic preparations."
5.00 Dinner
7.00 Discussion about expectations for this course.
5.55 Agni Hotra ( optional)
8.00 Breakfast
8.45 Choreocosmos dance
10.00 Quick break
10.30 Time in the gardens with Nick -Compost piles and using the preps
12.00 Lunch
2.30 Lecture by Robert Colosimo: "The Breathing rhythm of the Earth."
5.00 Dinner
7.00 Talk by Riki Cevallos about the Vilcabamba's Piscobamba Watershed Regenerative Sovereign Bioregion Project
5.55 Agni Hotra (Optional)
8.00 Breakfast
8.45 Choreocosmos dance
10.00 Break
10.30 Time in the gardens with Nick Thompson -Learn about different methods of fertility building
12.00 Lunch
2.00 Lecture by Walter Moora: "The four elements and elemental beings."
3.30 Stirring the Horn manure prepartions.
5.30 Dinner
7.00 Talk by Juan Carlos Benítez (Quito) on Biodynamic Certification Demeter
5.55 Agni Hotra (optional)
6.30 Stirring and applying the horn silica prep.
8.30 Breakfast
9.15 Choreocosmos dance
11.00 Break and free time for questions
12.00 Lunch
2.30 Lecture by Walter "Man between Heaven and Earth and the New Earth."
5.00 Dinner
7.00 Closing conversation to assimilate knowledge.
5.55 Agni hotra (optional)
8.00 Breakfast
8.45 Choreocosmos
10.00 Short break
10.30 Closing ceremony and sharing
12.00 Lunch
Depart around 2 pm
This agenda is tentative. We are also open to moving things around if people have requests like swimming in the river or climbing the mountain.
The Lectures
During the workshop you will receive these lectures:
- Introduction to a Biodynamic Farm, a place between Heaven and Earth (Walter Moora)
- The Biodynamic preparations (Walter Moora)
- The breathing rythm of the Earth (Robert Colossimo)
- The four elements and elemental beings (Walter Moora)
- Man between Heaven and Earth and the New Earth (Walter Moora)
Additionally, the following activities are planned:
Robert Colossimo will offer every morning a session on Eurythmy, Rudolf Steiner's Art of Movement dance. A great way to start the day!
Practical immersions into farming with Nick Thompson.
Every night, talks about complimentary topics.
At sunrise, Agni Hotra ceremony at the Spirit House.
Hearty foods using local ingredients.
Images - 2024 Workshop
Biodynamic Farming Workshop
In this six-day workshop you will experience how the members of the Finca Sagrada community steward this sacred site, combining ancient indigenous traditions with modern esoteric knowledge that lead to practical solutions. The workshop will center around biodynamic farming. You will learn how to build vibrant soils that will grow healthy food, and practices such as bio-char, tea sprays and bacterial inoculations, as well as lectures on biodynamic principles. These principles include the biodynamic preparations that open the soil to the spiritual formative forces of the stars and planets, working with the planting calendar, based on the moon moving through the constellations of the zodiac and working with the elemental and nature spirits of the landscape.

About Walter Moora
Walter Moora has been a biodynamic farmer for more than fifty years on four continents. He and his wife Susan bought Finca Sagrada sixteen years ago.
Walter has always had a passion to work with the spiritual formative forces of the universe, including our unseen helpers, the elemental and nature spirits of the land.
When Walter and Susan found out that Finca Sagrada was an ancient sacred site, and the Kogi indigenous offered to reactivate it, they were all in.
Recently they changed the ownership from sole proprietors to an LLC which has allowed Finca Sagrada to grow into a community.
To find out more about Walter, you can buy his book "A Farmers Love" available on Amazon
The course will be dictated by Walter and other experienced farmers from the Community.

Finca Sagrada is an intentional community with the Mission to contribute to the Awakening of the Collective Consciousness of the Planet.

Nancy Santi
Nancy is a kichwa medicine woman from the Ecuadorian Amazon. She will be present during the workshop available to perform energetic cleanings. Hearing her traditional kichwa songs is like traveling to the jungle.
What you will learn in this Course
In this course, you will:
- Know how to use the Biodynamic calendar to maximize efficiency and fertility.
- Prepare the basic Biodynamic formulas, with practice on the land.
- Understand the underlying nature of the land, and the cosmic forces that affect farming.
- Learn elemental homesteading skills.
- See a thriving intentional community in action.
- Recover your faith that a better world is possible.
Experience a Farm Community that combines Ancient Indigenous Wisdom with Biodynamic Farm Practices
6-Day Course Tuition
Includes all lectures, walks, work materials and 3 meals a day.
6-night accommodation in your own tent
The farm has amazing spots to put your tent.
- Early bird discount with 15% discount.
- Ask about local's rate.
- Partial scholarships available, for those who qualify.
As attendant to the course, you can put your own tent in one of the many beautiful fields of Finca Sagrada, with $0 cost, which gives you access to the bathrooms w/hot showers and high speed wifi. If you want more comfy options, check these out:
Private Room at the Community House. We have only two rooms, each one sleeps 2, they share one bathroom. Mountain view is $60 per night double occupancy and the Susan's Garden view is $40 per night double occupancy.
Walk in tent at Finca Sagrada. We have tents that fit two beds each with bedding and mosquito nets. $10 per person/night based in double occupancy (meaning that if you travel solo, you might share with someone else).
Stay at local family's home. Tumianuma is our neighboring community, located at 30-40 minutes walking distance (no car transit). Some families are equipped to host you in a private room with shared bathroom. Have a real experience and support the local economy. $10 per person/night.
Vilcabamba hotels/hostels. There are a few good options, ranging from $7 dorms or $20 doubles to $80 doubles. All the options we'll recommend are nice. Price varies upon services and level of comfort. Consider the taxi ride ($25) Vilcabamba-Finca Sagrada. Alternatively, buses run to Tumianuma neighboring community (30-40 min walking distance).